Terms and conditions


all rights reserved, all images and logos belong to the company there fore, and all claims must be submitted to the company before any other terms when you log into the website you agree to the terms and condition therefore.

1.    All orders must be carefully considered beforehand and if you had placed the wrong order there will be no refund.

2.    There is no refund for any merchandise purchased after production is finalized.
For any disclaimer all queries need to be reported to our email in detail before
we receive then and if we had not responded within 1 week it would mean we had not recommended your query. 

3.     All orders need to be signed for during delivery and must be confirmed with
identification of the recipient, that will include their signature and green bar
coded South African ID. If an order has been finalized and payment is not due within 5 days of production there will be a 5% interest on the actual amount payable every month after 30 days.

4.    For a foreign orders need to be reconfirmed and must be paid for delivery
before negotiation of price, the price will not be included during the delivery
and will remain separate. 

5.    A non- disclosure agreement must be sign before any work specification or any other design, editions to the merchandise at hand. An invoice will serve a No-Disclosure agreement, for cases where a product has been issued without payment or incomplete payment there will be an official criminal copyright theft charge. Following a court summoning for law suit.

6.    By ordering on the website you undergo the risk on exchange of information
and the company will not be liable for any extra cost endure during the process
of the order and due dates will only be considered after the finalization and
receipt of the order.

7.    All orders will be notified to our server and therefore we will not process an
order that we had not received. 

8.    Manual orders will only be received via the consultation with our agents on the
ground. Failure to comply with the payment arrangement weather signed of unsigned will lead to the interest rate mention above term Number 4 and an official criminal charge and misuse of product or design by copyright theft as the product unpaid for or incomplete payment is still the property of 4BG COMICS NETWORK Pty Ltd.
This can include seizure of the infringing material, damages and an interdict preventing further infringement of his/her rights. The Copyright Act also makes provision for criminal penalties - a fine (a maximum of R5 000 per infringement) and/or imprisonment of up to 3 years for a first conviction.

9.    For further information you can also contact our email (4bgconnect@gmail.com ) 

10. Note that prices will vary depending on the product and time of promotion 
and no refund will be paid back due to the change in prices, the company 
will have the full right to change pricing. In case of pricing and play-ability there will be a monthly payment agreement met in a case of overdue pay-ables from any client.


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